$143.00 / acre
(973.5acres available)
This mix was designed to using the recommendations from the PA Conservation Cover (327) for Pollinators Guide on moderate mesic to dry soils. If purchasing this mix for a CRP program, please check with your local office to confirm eligibility. If planting in an area with high weed pressure, increase your rate by 33% (order 3 acres for a 2 acre plot). For a detailed list of the species and rates included click the title. Updated 1/26/2024
Mix Summary: Grass (3 species, 8.92 seeds/ft2, 21.85%), Wildflowers (26 species, 31.89 seeds/ft2; 78.15%). Wildflowers include 2 legumes (2.99 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4.16 PLS#s/ac (29 species, 40.81 seeds/ft2).