Louisiana Solar and ROW Mix

Wildlife friendly mix designed for use on solar and right-of-ways in Louisiana. 


Includes (#s/ac): Rice Hulls (filler) (10), Oats, Jerry (7), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (0.5), Oats, River (0.01), Partridge Pea (0.1), Prairie Clover, White (0.1), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.3), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.5), Sensitive briar (0.005), Yarrow (0.015), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.01), Coreopsis, bigflower (0.3), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (0.5), Coreopsis, Plains (0.03), Coneflower, Pale Purple (0.005), Coneflower, Purple (0.5), Rattlesnake Master (0.01), Indian blanket (0.2), Blazingstar, Rough (Tall, Button) (0.005), Cardinal Flower (0.01), Mint, Lemon (0.04), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (0.005), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (0.03), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (0.015), Susan, Black-eyed (0.05), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.05), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.005), 


Common Name Scientific Name Type Seeds/# PLS#s OzEquiv Seeds/Ft2
Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) Penstemon digitalis Forb 1,745,437 0.030 0.48 1.20
Blazingstar, Rough (Tall, Button) Liatris aspera Forb 247,514 0.005 0.08 0.03
Cardinal Flower Lobelia cardinalis Forb 18,023,170 0.010 0.16 4.14
Coneflower, Pale Purple Echinacea pallida Forb 91,173 0.005 0.08 0.01
Coneflower, Purple Echinacea purpurea Forb 112,274 0.500 8.00 1.29
Coreopsis, bigflower Coreopsis grandiflora Forb 390,440 0.300 4.80 2.69
Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) Coreopsis lanceolata Forb 285,727 0.500 8.00 3.28
Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis tinctoria Forb 1,530,691 0.030 0.48 1.05
Goldenrod, Gray Solidago nemoralis Forb 3,662,400 0.050 0.80 4.20
Illinois Bundleflower Desmanthus illinoensis Forb-Legume 81,597 0.500 8.00 0.94
Indian blanket Gaillardia pulchella Forb 209,200 0.200 3.20 0.96
Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) Asclepias tuberosa Forb 68,080 0.010 0.16 0.02
Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) Monarda punctata Forb 1,467,520 0.005 0.08 0.17
Mint, Lemon Monarda citriodora Forb 1,280,000 0.040 0.64 1.18
Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Forb 6,048,000 0.015 0.24 2.08
Partridge Pea Chamaecrista fasciculata Forb 54,095 0.100 1.60 0.12
Prairie Clover, Purple Dalea purpureum Forb 277,866 0.300 4.80 1.91
Prairie Clover, White Dalea candidum Forb 271,973 0.100 1.60 0.62
Rattlesnake Master Eryngium yuccifolium Forb 138,678 0.010 0.16 0.03
Sensitive briar Mimosa nuttall Forb-Legume 32,160 0.005 0.08 0.00
Spiderwort, Ohio Tradescantia ohiensis Forb 134,723 0.005 0.08 0.02
Susan, Black-eyed Rudbeckia hirta Forb 1,488,027 0.050 0.80 1.71
Yarrow Achillea millefolium Forb 2,959,291 0.015 0.24 1.02
Bluestem, Little (VNS) Schizachyrium scoparium Grass 252,153 0.500 8.00 2.89
Oats, Jerry Avena sativa Grass 15,000 7.000 112.00 2.41
Oats, River Uniola latifolia Grass 81,333 0.010 0.16 0.02
                  n #s oz PLS/ft2  
                Grass 3 7.510 120.16 5.32  
                Flower 23 2.785 44.56 28.67  
                Total 26 10.295 164.72 34.00  
                Forb 21 2.280 36.48 27.73  
                Legume 2 0.505 8.08 0.94  
                Shrub 0 0.000 0.00 0.00  
                wildflower ratio 0.843  

How much seed would you like to purchase?

  (493.0 acres available)